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DIAMOND I02 I03 I04 I04-1 I24 I23 VMXi


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Beamline Name I03
Primary Contact: NameDave Hall
Owner/OperatorDiamond, Harwell Chilton Science Campus, South Oxfordshire, UK
%Time Available (general use)available to both academic and industrial users
Special CapabilitiesAbsorption Edges, Humidity Control
Special Capabilities Details automated data collection; fast sample screening; automatic data processing; in-situ diffraction experiments; containment level 2 and 3 facility
Source DetailsCPMU
Spot Size (mm): Height0.02
Spot Size (mm): Width0.08
Monochromatordouble crystal
Crystal TypeSi(111)
MirrorsKirkpatrick Baez bimorph mirror pair for horizontal and vertical focussing
Flux(PHOTONS/SEC)1 x 10^13
Flux Detailsat 80 x 20 um
Wavelength Range (Å)0.5 - 2.07
Energy Range (keV)6 - 25
Goniometer DetailsSmarGon
Sample Handling: RoboticsBART
Robotics: More InfoThe sample changers currently use Unipucks. If you don't have Unipucks please bring samples in vials on canes for transfer to our pucks. SPINE standard pins are required for use of the robot.
1. Detector: TypeCCD
1. Detector: ModelADSC QUANTUM 315
1. Detector: Activated for Service2007-01-01
1. Detector: Removed from Service2011-01-31
2. Detector: TypePIXEL
2. Detector: ModelDECTRIS PILATUS 6M
2. Detector: Detailsrunning at 25Hz
2. Detector: Activated for Service2011-02-12
2. Detector: Removed from Service2014-03-31
3. Detector: TypePIXEL
3. Detector: ModelDECTRIS PILATUS 6M
3. Detector: DetailsPILATUS3 100Hz
3. Detector: Activated for Service2014-04-01
3. Detector: Removed from Service2019-03-30
4. Detector: TypePIXEL
4. Detector: ModelOther
4. Detector: DetailsDECTRIS EIGER2 XE 16M 550 Hz
4. Detector: Activated for Service2019-04-01
4. Detector: Removed from Service
Cryo CapabilityOxford Cryojet
Cryo Capability Detailsa cryocooling device routinely run at ~90K