Primary Contact: Name | Hassan Belrhali |
Secondary Contact: Name | Babu Manjasetty |
Owner/Operator | ESRF - EMBL - NII/DBT |
Status | Decommissioned |
Status Details | An EMBL-NII (India) consortium will operate ESRF BM14 for the period 2010-2014 for the benefit of both the European and the Indian MX communities. |
%Time Available (general use) | 80 |
Experiments | MAD, SAD, FLUORESCENCE |
Special Capabilities | Absorption Edges, Humidity Control |
Special Capabilities Details | The HC1 humidity control device provides an easy to use dehydration setup. It can also be used on other MX beamlines at ESRF. SAD experiments between the U LIII edge and the Mn K edge. |
Source Type | bending magnet |
Spot Size (mm): Height | 0.3 |
Spot Size (mm): Width | 0.75 |
Monochromator | Si(111) monochromator. |
Optics Details | bent collimating mirror and toroid |
Crystal Type | Si(111) |
Mirrors | 1: Grazing angle 2.8 mrad, vertical focusing - 2: vertical and horizontal focusing. |
Flux(PHOTONS/SEC) | 4.5 x 10^11 |
Flux Details | vertically and horizontally integrated |
Wavelength Range (Å) | 0.7 - 1.8 |
Energy Range (keV) | 6.5 - 18 |
Goniometer | MAATEL MDII |
Goniometer Details | single axis and mini-kappa goniostat |
Sample Handling: Manual | spine standard default |
Sample Handling: Robotics | SC3 robotic sample changer |
Robotics: More Info | To take advantage of automatated sample mounting and use of mini-kappa goniostat users should ensure all samples are mounted with the 22mm SPINE standard cap and spine standard vials. |
1. Detector: Type | CCD |
1. Detector: Model | MARmosaic 225 |
1. Detector: Activated for Service | info currently not available |
1. Detector: Removed from Service | |
2. Detector: Type | FLUORESCENCE |
2. Detector: Model | Rontec Xflash |
2. Detector: Details | Rontec bought out by Bruker |
2. Detector: Activated for Service | info currently not available |
2. Detector: Removed from Service | |
Cryo Capability | Oxford |
Lab Facilities | NORMAL |
Software: Name | HKL2000, MOSFLM, CCP4, XDS, SOLVE, SHARP/AUTO-SHARP, SnB-BnP, CNS, Phaser, epmr, SHELX, COOT, Ono, Xtalview |
Software: Classification | |