Primary Contact: Name | Andrzej Joachimiak |
Secondary Contact: Name | Darren Sherrell |
Owner/Operator | SBC-CAT |
Status | Operational |
Status Details | On-site & Remote access |
%Time Available (general use) | 75% |
Experiments | MAD |
Experiments Details | SAD, MAD, micro diffraction, atomic resolution, rapid data collection |
Special Capabilities | High Throughput |
Special Capabilities Details | Extended crystallography services |
Services | High quality data collection |
Services Details | Rapid data collection, automated data reduction and semi-automated structure determination |
Source Details | APS Undulator A |
Spot Size (mm): Height | 20 um |
Spot Size (mm): Width | 100 um |
Monochromator | Si (111) Rosenbaum-Rock double-crystal monochromator: liquid nitrogen cooled |
Optics Details | Sagittal focusing 2nd crystal horizontal focusing |
Crystal Type | Si (111) |
Mirrors | Rosenbaum-Rock vertical focusing mirror |
Flux(PHOTONS/SEC) | 1.3 x 10^13 |
Flux Details | 1x10^13 X-ray photons/sec/mm2 |
Wavelength Range (Å) | 2.032 - 0.670 |
Energy Range (keV) | 6.1 - 18.5 |
Goniometer | High precision air-bearing goniostat |
Goniometer Details | Single axis, home build |
Sample Handling: Manual | Magnetic mounts, 18 mm pins |
Sample Handling: Robotics | Rigaku ACTOR |
Robotics: More Info | REGAKU and Unipucks |
Detector: Type | CCD |
Detector: Model | Pilatus 3X 6M |
Detector: Details | Pilatus 3X 6M |
Detector: Activated for Service | info currently not available |
Detector: Removed from Service | |
Removed from Service: Details | na |
Cryo Capability | Oxford Cryojet |
Lab Facilities | Access to APCF with comprehensive wet lab, cold room and crystallization facilities |
1. Software: Name | SBCCOLLECT |
1. Software: Classification | Control/collection |
2. Software: Name | HKL3000, XGEN, XDS, MOSFLM |
2. Software: Classification | Processing |
3. Software: Name | HKL3000, SHELXD, PHENIX, CCP4, CNS, EMPR, PHASER, AMORE |
3. Software: Classification | Phasing/refinement |
4. Software: Name | COOT, XtalView, Arp/Warp, PyMol |
4. Software: Classification | Modeling/graphics |
Hardware | Numerous Linux workstations and a 20 TB Linux cluster |
Backup Services | Data transfer using Firewire Drives, Globus or Rsync |