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BESSY 14.1 14.2 14.3

BESSY - 14.3

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Beamline Name 14.3
Primary Contact: NameGert Weber
Secondary Contact: NameManfred Weiss
Owner/OperatorHelmholtz-Zentrum Berlin
%Time Available (general use)100%
Special Capabilities DetailsCrystal dehydration by HC1
Source Details7 Tesla Wavelength Shifter
Spot Size (mm): Height0.2
Spot Size (mm): Width0.2
MonochromatorSingle triangular crystal with direct water cooling
Crystal TypeSi(111)
MirrorsMo/Si coated silicon multilayer (200) - no cooling
Flux(PHOTONS/SEC)0.9 x 10^11
Flux Details/Phot/s/100mA at 13.8KeV/0.1%bw
Wavelength Range (Å)Fixed: 0.896
Energy Range (keV)Fixed: 13.84
1. Detector: TypePIXEL
1. Detector: ModelDECTRIS PILATUS 6M
1. Detector: DetailsPilatus 2 6M
1. Detector: Activated for Service2017-01-01
1. Detector: Removed from Service2025-01-05
1. Removed from Service: Detailsupgrade
2. Detector: TypePIXEL
2. Detector: ModelDECTRIS PILATUS 6M
2. Detector: DetailsPilatus3 S 6M
2. Detector: Activated for Service2025-01-05
2. Detector: Removed from Service
Cryo CapabilityOxford Cryojet XL
Cryo Capability Details95-293 K
Lab FacilitiesNORMAL
Software: NameCCP4, XDS, Solve/Resolve, SHELX, XPREP, COOT, XDSAPP, XDSIT, Phenix
Software: Classification
HardwareHP DL580-G7, 256 GB RAM 2TB diskspace on SAN array
Backup ServicesUSB2+3 drives, Notebook connected to 100 Mbit switched network with IP-forwarding, ftp, sftp