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ELETTRA 5.2R 11.2C


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Beamline Name 11.2C
Primary Contact: NameNicola Demitri
Secondary Contact: NameRaghurama Prabhakara Hegde
Owner/OperatorElettra Sincrotrone, Trieste, Italy and Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, INDIA
Status DetailsBeamline is operated in partnership between ICTP; ELETTRA; IISc(India) for the benefit of both European and the Indian MX communities.
%Time Available (general use)50
Experiments DetailsA tunable, high intensity, variable focus macromolecular crystallography beamline (SAD/MAD experiments)
Special CapabilitiesAbsorption Edges
Special Capabilities DetailsVariable energy beamline (8 to 35 keV)
ServicesHigh quality data collection
Services DetailsProtein Structure Solution; Remote Access
Source DetailsSuper Conducting Multiple Wigler
Spot Size (mm): Height0.1
Spot Size (mm): Width0.3
MonochromatorDouble Crystal Manochromator
Optics DetailsLN2 closed loop cooling
Crystal TypeSi(111)
MirrorsCylindrical Collimating and Toroidal Focussing Mirrors
Flux(PHOTONS/SEC)1.7 x 10^12
Flux Details
Wavelength Range (Å)0.35424 - 1.5498
Energy Range (keV)8 - 35
GoniometerArinax MD2s - Microdiffractometer
Goniometer DetailsKappa goniostat; Motorized pentaperture: 20, 50, 75, 100, 150 um
Sample Handling: RoboticsFlex Sample Changer
Robotics: More InfoCompatible with Unipuck and Spine Pucks with Staubli Robotics
Detector: TypePIXEL
Detector: DetailsPPU
Detector: Activated for Service2016-06-01
Detector: Removed from Service
Cryo CapabilityOxford Cryostream - 700 series
Cryo Capability Details100K
Lab FacilitiesHigh magnification microscope, microscope for sample mounting
1. Software: NameCOOT; PyMol
1. Software: ClassificationModeling/graphics
2. Software: Namehkl2map; CCP4; Phenix
2. Software: ClassificationPhasing/refinement
3. Software: NameiMosflm; XDS
3. Software: ClassificationProcessing
4. Software: NameMXCuBE-Version 3
4. Software: ClassificationControl/collection
5. Software: NameSynchWeb/ISPyB
5. Software: ClassificationDatabase/DataTrack
HardwarePilatus Processing Unit (for data processing and Internal Data Storage) and Elettra High Performance Computing Cluster (Structure Solution and External Data Storage)
Backup ServicesElettra Drive for Data Share / VUO / SynchWeb / ISPyB